英语名言每日一句 7.20
The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.种下果实的那一天并不是收获果实的那一天. 这对你有什么帮助,是不是闲的蛋筒
搞计算机懂点术语就行了,其他的事情交董宇辉去做吧 legs+ 发表于 2022-7-20 20:31
的确不能死记硬背,我也是靠天天上油管看视频学英语积累了很多听力口语技能 Roma wasn't built in a day, if we learn one sentence everyday, then after a year, we could learn 365 sentences, the more you learn, the more you know.Just do it, fighting! You will be successful finally. 释清心 发表于 2022-7-22 12:11
Roma wasn't built in a day, if we learn one sentence everyday, then after a year, we could learn 365 ...
说得对 本帖最后由 孤星8 于 2024-7-6 18:11 编辑
今天有个西方人回复我时用了”...is running point on",结果查了解释还是似懂非懂。