boo1977 发表于 2022-10-21 23:07:11


本帖最后由 boo1977 于 2022-10-21 23:08 编辑




US sanctions targeting China’s semiconductor industry are a gamble aimed at maintaining American hegemony

It is widely believed that the neoliberal global order based on open economies, reciprocal gains from trade, free flows of finance, elite mobility, and faith in interdependence is now ending. One can pick any moment as marking its end. The Biden administration’s slew of tough export regulations targeting China’s semiconductor industry is as good a marker as any. But what will replace that neoliberal world is not a social-democratic fantasy reorienting politics towards global public goods or justice. It is an even more militarised world, now less capable of trade and diplomacy, hurtling towards a conflict all the principal actors think they can calibrate and control.

The rise of China was always going to be a challenge; an authoritarian, opaque militarised China, relying on strident nationalism for legitimacy even more so. There are no easy options here. There is no way of confidently knowing what strategy would work. But the ideological framing of the American sanctions is striking. As Jake Sullivan put it: “We previously maintained a sliding scale approach that said we need to stay only a couple of generations ahead. This is not the strategic environment in which we are today. Given the foundational nature of certain technologies, such as advanced logic and memory chips, we must maintain as large of a lead as possible.”

At one level, this statement expresses the unexceptional desire to be competitive. But in the context in which it was uttered, it has huge ramifications. For one thing, it has now expanded the pretext on which sanctions can be imposed: There is no casus belli here, no gesture at securing a global public good. The justification is maintaining American hegemony, pure and simple. There are gestures towards working with allies, and some countries might harbour the hopes of opportunistically benefitting from these sanctions. But the far-reaching nature of these sanctions will have implications for the reliability of the global trading and financial order. They express the crudest kind of mercantile reordering of the world system possible. In a curious way, the US is now fusing corporate and state power in ways that will resemble China.

Second, announcing these sanctions just before the Party Congress was a gesture that was designed to humiliate the Chinese. And it is equally hard to imagine that there will not be Chinese retaliation of some kind, perhaps on products that might have more play in American domestic politics. It is tempting to send a strong signal to the Chinese regime. But if you look at it from the point of view of the rest of the world, the framing is nothing but neo-colonial. It is saying something like “our objective is to ensure that one-fifth of humanity (and the rest of the world) always stays at least a couple of generations behind”. By openly declaring a war of supremacy, the options for diplomacy or subtle backing down are foreclosed. There is no attempt even to frame a non-zero-sum game solution here.

This framing also has consequences for partnerships. The West overestimates the support it has outside of Europe. China may be a threat to Taiwan and aspire to pre-eminence in Asia, but it is hard for the rest of the world to forget the litany of global violence and racial hierarchy that has taken place under the aegis of the American and Russian empires. The legitimacy of the order that the Americans seek to maintain will not be enhanced by mercantilist rather than global public good justifications. While thwarting Chinese revisionism of the global order, Americans are doing revisions of their own. It is also not entirely obvious how different countries will be able to leverage China-US rivalry to their strategic advantage as decoupling increases. But the world is also sceptical that the US will meaningfully transfer technology and finance that will address the world’s development needs. It is as likely that as China decouples, it doubles down on BRI and other initiatives.

Third, at the very least these sanctions are a recipe for creating immense uncertainty in global supply chains. Some countries, like India, may be salivating at the prospect of opportunistically gaining from this moment. But it is likely that these gains can be hugely diminished by the cumulative uncertainties in the world trading system. China is too important to isolate.

Fourth, it is clear that the principal arena where global cooperation is required, climate change, is on the back burner. It is difficult to imagine concerted global action on climate change while the superpowers are in a mercantilist war. The US has domestically taken massive steps to invest in tech solutions to climate change. But, as is the case with US pharma and vaccines, the jury is out on whether these investments are entirely in the service of technological supremacy or will also be converted into global public goods.

Fifth, the strategic consequences of these sanctions are not clear. The Chinese calculus on invading Taiwan will be determined by military assessments of the prospects of success. Does slowing down the semiconductor industry in the short run do anything to change those assessments? What consequences does it have for Chinese technology development? It may not be at the cutting edge, but can its domestic industry develop enough?

These sanctions are a big gamble, and the jury is out on their consequences. But something about their framing does not bode well for the world. For one thing, these sanctions are as close as you can come to a declaration of war without actual fighting. They also confirm every Chinese claim about the West: The West may have aided China’s rise (initially for opportunistic reasons during the Cold War), but it will try and put a ceiling on their growth. The point is not whether the Chinese or the Americans are right. The point is they now seem to be locked into an over-determined ideological construct, realist hegemonism on the one hand, and strident nationalist revisionism on the other. This construct has no room for politics, diplomacy or trade.

If the Chinese are going nationalist, surely the world will not be safer by a doubling down on American nationalism. If the world is facing an economic and ecological crisis, surely the answer cannot be a late-19th century striving for national supremacy. The rest of the world’s interest will lie not in opportunistically exploiting this rivalry but in banding together to change the self-defeating terms in which it is being conducted. The world is in a very dangerous place.

The writer is contributing editor, The Indian Express

( ... n-hegemony-8219494/)

boo1977 发表于 2022-10-21 23:10:26



中国的崛起总是一个挑战;一个专制、不透明的军事化中国,更依赖于尖锐的民族主义来获得合法性。这里没有简单的选择。没有办法自信地知道哪种策略会奏效。但美国制裁的意识形态框架令人震惊。正如 Jake Sullivan 所说:“我们之前一直采用滑动比例方法,即我们只需要保持领先几代。这不是我们今天所处的战略环境。鉴于某些技术的基础性质,例如高级逻辑和存储芯片,我们必须尽可能保持领先优势。”








如果中国人走向民族主义,加倍强调美国民族主义,世界肯定不会更安全。如果世界正面临经济和生态危机,答案肯定不可能是 19 世纪末期的国家霸权。世界其他国家的利益将不在于机会主义地利用这种竞争,而在于联合起来改变其进行时弄巧成拙的条款。世界处于一个非常危险的地方。


simonzhd 发表于 2022-10-22 09:07:19


boo1977 发表于 2022-10-22 16:18:12

simonzhd 发表于 2022-10-22 09:07





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