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- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- """
- VERSION: 0.1 2022
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- Scribus Version >= 1.5.8 Mac
- Download Scribus 1.5.8 (scribus-devel)
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/scribus/files/scribus-devel/1.5.8/
- Nutzung:
- !!! Das Script wurde nur unter MacOs 12.x getestet.
- !!! Zum Verhalten in andern Betriebssystemen kann vom Autor keine Aussage getroffen werden.
- Aufruf im Terminal: /Applications/Scribus.app/Contents/MacOS/Scribus -g -ns -py /pfad/zu/deinem/kalendersript.py
- Aufruf in Scribus: Menü 'Scrip' -> 'Script ausführen...
- Falls Module nicht vorhanden sind, können diese wie folgt installiert werden:
- /Applications/Scribus.app/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/pip3 install modulname
- Kalenderbilder:
- Bilder numerisch nach den Monaten benennen: 01.jpg, ... 12.jpg
- Nur JPGs mit der Erweiterung . jpg
- Alle 12 Bilder in einen Ordner speichern
- Nach dem Scriptaufruf poppen Dialoge auf mit den Fragen nach:
- - Kalenderformat, DIN A3 oder DIN A2
- - Kalenderjahr
- - Ordner der Kalenderbilder
- - unter welchem Namen soll der Kalender gespeichert werden (gespeichert wird als Scribus *.sla)
- - Speicherort
- - Copyright Inhaber
- Achtung!
- Das Speichern der PDF-Datei kann je nach Maschine einige Zeit dauern. Wenn sich Scribus von selbst
- schließt ist der Vorgang in der Regel abgeschlossen. Etwas Geduld haben!
- """
- #imports
- import calendar
- from calendar import monthrange
- import locale
- import datetime
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
- import platform
- import pandas as pd
- import sys
- import time
- try:
- import scribus
- except ImportError:
- print("Dieses Python-Script läuft nur innerhalb des Scribus scripting interface.")
- print("Aufruf via Command Line oder direkt aus Scribus Menü Script -> Script ausführen..!")
- sys.exit(1)
- os = platform.system()
- if os != "Darwin":
- print("Dein Betriebssystem wird wahrscheinlich nicht unterstützt! Getestet nur nur für MAC OS.")
- scribus.messageBox("OS error", "Dein Betriebssystem wird wahrscheinlich nicht unterstützt! Getestet nur für MAC OS.", scribus.ICON_INFORMATION)
- #sys.exit(1)
- todays_date = date.today()
- nextYear = int(todays_date.year) + 1
- # Dialog-Boxen zur Personalisierung
- calFormat = scribus.valueDialog('Kalenderformat', 'Kalenderformt DIN A3 ODER DIN A2', "A2")
- year = scribus.valueDialog('Kalenderjahr', 'Bitte Kalenderjahr eingeben', str(nextYear))
- calName = scribus.valueDialog('Name Deines Kalenders, ohne Erweiterung', 'Dateiname', 'meinTollerKalender')
- copyrightOwner = scribus.valueDialog('Cpyright Inhaber', 'Copyright', 'Max Mustermann')
- calImagePath = scribus.fileDialog('Ordner Deiner Kalenderbilder auswählen', "Bilder", isdir=1)
- calPath = scribus.fileDialog('Ordner auswählen, in dem Dein Kalender gespeichert wird', "Ordner auswählen", isdir=1)
- calPathName = calPath + "/" + calName + ".sla"
- year = int(year)
- calImagePath = calImagePath + "/"
- # Parameter
- calImageExt = ".jpg" # Dateierweiterung der Bilder
- fontDefault = "SF Pro Text Ultralight" # https://github.com/sahibjotsaggu/San-Francisco-Pro-Fonts/blob/master/SF-Pro-Text-Ultralight.otf
- black = "#282728" # in Scribus anlegen CMYK
- cyan = 'Cyan'
- grau = '#7e7e7e' # in Scribus anlegen CMYK
- copyright = u"\xa9 " + str(year) + " " + copyrightOwner
- monat = ["Januar", "Februar", "März", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember"]
- jahrZeitAnfang = [["2022", ["2022-03-20", "2022-06-21", "2022-09-23", "2022-12-21"]], ["2023", ["2023-03-20", "2023-06-21", "2023-09-23", "2023-12-21"]], ["2024", ["2024-03-20", "2024-06-20", "2024-09-22", "2024-12-21"]], ["2025", ["2025-03-20", "2025-06-21", "2025-09-22", "2025-12-21"]], ["2026", ["2026-03-20", "2026-06-21", "2026-09-22", "2026-12-21"]], ["2027", ["2027-03-20", "2027-06-21", "2027-09-23", "2027-12-22"]], ["2028", ["2028-03-20", "2028-06-20", "2028-09-23", "2028-12-21"]], ["2029", ["2029-03-20", "2029-06-21", "2029-09-22", "2029-12-21"]], ["2030", ["2030-03-20", "2030-06-21", "2030-09-22", "2030-12-21"]]]
- # Ab hier nichts mehr ändern!
- ###########################################################################################################################################################################
- if(calFormat == "A2"):
- print("A2")
- formatB = 594 # DIN A2 Breite
- formatH = 420 # DIN A2 Höhe
- datBoxB = 13
- datBoxH = 8.5
- datBoxStartX = 13.6
- datBoxY = 400.5
- datBoxFontSize = 20
- holBoxX = 16.8
- holBoxY = 410.5
- holBoxB = 400
- holBoxH = 5
- holFontSize = 9
- mBoxX = 488
- mBoxY = 397.5
- mBoxB = 90
- mBoxH = 15
- mBoxFontSize = 30
- lineBoxStartY = 397.6
- lineBoxEndY = 407.1
- lineBoxWidth = 0.035
- wnTextBoxY = lineBoxStartY - 1
- wnTextBoxB = 6
- wnTextBoxH = 6
- wnTextBoxFontSize = 10
- iBoxX = 17
- iBoxY = 17
- iBoxB = 560
- iBoxH = 560 / 1.5
- tBoxXstart = 10
- tBoxB = 143
- tBoxH = 143 / 1.5
- tBoxY = 53
- yBoxX = 0
- yBoxY = 364
- yBoxB = formatB
- yBoxH = 25
- cBoxX = 0
- cBoxY = 386
- cBoxB = formatB
- cBoxH = 6
- else:
- print("A3")
- formatB = 420 # DIN A3 Breite
- formatH = 297 # DIN A3 Höhe
- datBoxB = 10.5
- datBoxH = 8.5
- datBoxStartX = 26
- datBoxY = 271
- datBoxFontSize = 18
- holBoxX = 28.25
- holBoxY = 286
- holBoxB = 285
- holBoxH = 5
- holFontSize = 9
- mBoxX = 362.25
- mBoxY = datBoxY
- mBoxB = 30
- mBoxH = 8.5
- mBoxFontSize = 18
- lineBoxStartY = 267.5
- lineBoxEndY = 277
- lineBoxWidth = 0.035
- wnTextBoxY = lineBoxStartY - 1
- wnTextBoxB = 6
- wnTextBoxH = 6
- wnTextBoxFontSize = 10
- iBoxX = 28.15
- iBoxY = 17
- iBoxB = 363.9
- iBoxH = 242.6
- tBoxXstart = 10
- tBoxY = 40
- tBoxB = 100
- tBoxH = 100 / 1.5
- yBoxX = 0
- yBoxY = 258
- yBoxB = formatB
- yBoxH = 25
- cBoxX = 0
- cBoxY = 280
- cBoxB = formatB
- cBoxH = 6
- #sys.exit()
- #################################
- # functions
- #################################
- def feiertage(year):
- A = year % 19
- K = year // 100
- M = 15 + (3 * K + 3) // 4 - ( 8 * K + 13) // 25
- D = (19 * A + M) % 30
- S = 2 - (3 * K + 3) // 4
- R = D // 29 + (D // 28 - D // 29) * (A // 11)
- OG = 21 + D + R
- SZ = 7 - (year + year // 4 + S) % 7
- OE = 7 - (OG - SZ) % 7
- OS = (OG + OE)
- if OS > 31:
- os = str(year) + "-04-" + str(OS-31)
- kf = str(year) + "-04-" + str(OS-33)
- om = str(year) + "-04-" + str(OS-30)
- else:
- os = str(year) + "-04-" + str(OS)
- kf = str(year) + "-04-" + str(OS-2)
- om = str(year) + "-04-" + str(OS+1)
- easter = [
- [kf, "Karfreitag", 0],
- [os, str("Ostersonntag"), 1],
- [om, "Ostermontag", 1]
- ]
- oss = easter[1][0].split('-')
- himf = datetime(int(oss[0]), int(oss[1]), int(oss[2])) + timedelta(days = 40)
- himf = str(himf).split(' ')
- easter.append([himf[0], "Christi Himmelfahrt", 1])
- pfso = datetime(int(oss[0]), int(oss[1]), int(oss[2])) + timedelta(days = 49)
- pfso = str(pfso).split(' ')
- easter.append([pfso[0], "Pfingstsonntag", 1])
- pfmo = datetime(int(oss[0]), int(oss[1]), int(oss[2])) + timedelta(days = 50)
- pfmo = str(pfmo).split(' ')
- easter.append([pfmo[0], "Pfingstmontag", 0])
- frln = datetime(int(oss[0]), int(oss[1]), int(oss[2])) + timedelta(days = 60)
- frln = str(frln).split(' ')
- easter.append([frln[0], "Fronleichnam", 0])
- rosm = datetime(int(oss[0]), int(oss[1]), int(oss[2])) - timedelta(days = 48)
- rosm = str(rosm).split(' ')
- easter.append([rosm[0], "Rosenmontag", 0])
- sont = datetime(year, 12, 24).weekday()
- if sont != 6: # 24.12. ist kein Sonntag
- diff4 = sont + 1
- adv4 = datetime(year, 12, 24) - timedelta(int(diff4))
- adv4 = str(adv4).split(' ')
- diff3 = diff4 + 7
- adv3 = datetime(year, 12, 24) - timedelta(int(diff3))
- adv3 = str(adv3).split(' ')
- diff2 = diff4 + 14
- adv2 = datetime(year, 12, 24) - timedelta(int(diff2))
- adv2 = str(adv2).split(' ')
- diff1 = diff4 + 21
- adv1 = datetime(year, 12, 24) - timedelta(int(diff1))
- adv1 = str(adv1).split(' ')
- else: # 24.12. ist Sonntag
- adv4 = str(year) + '-12-24'
- adv3 = datetime(year, 12, 24) - timedelta(7)
- adv3 = str(adv3).split(' ')
- adv2 = datetime(year, 12, 24) - timedelta(14)
- adv2 = str(adv2).split(' ')
- adv1 = datetime(year, 12, 24) - timedelta(21)
- adv1 = str(adv1).split(' ')
- easter.append([adv1[0], "1. Advent", 0])
- easter.append([adv2[0], "2. Advent", 0])
- easter.append([adv3[0], "3. Advent", 0])
- easter.append([adv4[0], "4. Advent", 0])
- easter.append([str(year) + "-12-24", "Heiligabend", 0])
- easter.append([str(year) + "-12-25", "Weihnachten", 1])
- easter.append([str(year) + "-12-26", "2. Weihnachtstag", 1])
- easter.append([str(year) + "-01-01", "Neujahr", 1])
- easter.append([str(year) + "-02-14", "Valentinstag", 0])
- easter.append([str(year) + "-05-01", "Tag der Arbeit", 1])
- easter.append([str(year) + "-08-15", "Mariä Himmelfahrt", 0])
- easter.append([str(year) + "-10-03", "Tag der Deutschen Einheit", 1])
- for x in jahrZeitAnfang:
- if x[0] == str(year):
- easter.append([x[1][0], "Frühlingsanfang", 0])
- easter.append([x[1][1], "Sommeranfang", 0])
- easter.append([x[1][2], "Herbstanfang", 0])
- easter.append([x[1][3], "Winteranfang", 0])
- return(easter)
- def daysInMonth(year):
- dim = []
- for m in range(1, 13):
- dim.append(monthrange(year, m)[1])
- return (dim)
- def compCal(year):
- cal = []
- m = 1
- dpm = daysInMonth(year)
- for d in dpm:
- n = m - 1
- cal.append([m])
- for r in range(1, d + 1):
- dat = str(year) + "-" + str(m).zfill(2) + "-" + str(r).zfill(2) # Datum
- ts = pd.Timestamp(dat)
- dna = ts.dayofweek # Wochentag
- d1 = ""
- d2 = 0
- d3 = ""
- for f in feiertage(year): # Feiertag?
- if str(dat) == str(f[0]):
- d1 = str(f[1])
- d2 = str(f[2])
- ts = pd.Timestamp(int(year), int(m), int(r))
- d3 = str(ts.week).zfill(2)
- cal[n].append([dat, dna, d1, d2, d3]) # [monat[datum, wochentag, feiertagname, bundesweit, kalenderwoche], ...], ...
- m += 1
- return(cal)
- ############################
- # Scribus Code
- ############################
- def baueKalender(year):
- calenda = compCal(year)
- #print(calenda)
- #sys.exit()
- scribus.newDocument((formatH, formatB), (0, 0, 0, 0), scribus.LANDSCAPE, 1, scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS, scribus.PAGE_1, 12, 1)
- scribus.createLayer("Bilder")
- scribus.createLayer("Text")
- for z in range(0, 11):
- scribus.newPage(-1)
- for p in range(scribus.pageCount()):
- m = p + 1
- print("Baue Blatt " + str(m))
- scribus.gotoPage(m)
- fText = ""
- for n in range(len(calenda[p])):
- if len(str(calenda[p][n])) > 2:
- if len(str(calenda[p][n][2])) > 0:
- part = str(calenda[p][n][0]).split('-')
- fDat = part[2] + "." + part[1] + ". "
- fText = fText + str(fDat) + str(calenda[p][n][2]) + " " + u"\xb7 "
- dat = str(calenda[p][n][0]).split("-")
- if n > 1:
- datBoxX = (datBoxB * (n - 1)) + datBoxStartX
- else:
- datBoxX = datBoxStartX
- dBox = scribus.createText(datBoxX, datBoxY, datBoxB, datBoxH)
- scribus.setText(dat[2], dBox)
- scribus.setFont(fontDefault, dBox)
- scribus.setFontSize(datBoxFontSize, dBox)
- scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_CENTERED, dBox)
- scribus.sendToLayer("Text" , dBox)
- if int(calenda[p][n][1]) > 5 or int(calenda[p][n][3]) > 0:
- color = cyan
- else:
- color = black
- scribus.setTextColor(color, dBox)
- #Wochennummer
- if int(calenda[p][n][1]) < 1:
- # Trennlinie
- wnLine = scribus.createLine(datBoxX, lineBoxStartY, datBoxX, lineBoxEndY)
- scribus.setLineWidth(lineBoxWidth, wnLine)
- scribus.setLineColor(grau, wnLine)
- scribus.sendToLayer("Text", wnLine)
- # Wochennummer
- wnTxt = scribus.createText(datBoxX + 1, wnTextBoxY, wnTextBoxB, wnTextBoxH)
- scribus.setText(str(calenda[p][n][4]), wnTxt)
- scribus.setFont(fontDefault, wnTxt)
- scribus.setFontSize(wnTextBoxFontSize, wnTxt)
- scribus.setTextColor(grau, wnTxt)
- scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_CENTERED, wnTxt)
- scribus.sendToLayer("Text", wnTxt)
- # Zeile Feiertage
- fText = fText[:-3]
- fBox = scribus.createText(holBoxX, holBoxY, holBoxB, holBoxH)
- scribus.setText(fText, fBox)
- scribus.setFont(fontDefault, fBox)
- scribus.setFontSize(holFontSize, fBox)
- scribus.setTextColor(grau, fBox)
- scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_LEFT, fBox)
- # Zeile Monat Jahr
- mBox = scribus.createText(mBoxX, mBoxY, mBoxB, mBoxH)
- if calFormat == "A2":
- scribus.setText(monat[p] + " " + u"\xb7" + " " + str(year), mBox)
- else:
- scribus.setText(str(m).zfill(2) + " " + u"\xb7" + " " + str(year), mBox)
- scribus.setFont(fontDefault, mBox)
- scribus.setFontSize(mBoxFontSize, mBox)
- scribus.setTextColor(black, mBox)
- scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT, mBox)
- # Bilder
- iBox = scribus.createImage(iBoxX, iBoxY, iBoxB, iBoxH)
- imgName = str(m).zfill(2) + str(calImageExt)
- scribus.loadImage( calImagePath + imgName, iBox)
- scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(1,1,iBox)
- scribus.sendToLayer("Bilder" , iBox)
- # Deckblatt
- print("Baue Deckblatt")
- scribus.newPage(1)
- # Hintergrund
- tBackGroud = scribus.createRect(10, tBoxY, tBoxB * 4, tBoxH * 3)
- scribus.setFillColor(grau, tBackGroud)
- scribus.sendToLayer("Bilder", tBackGroud)
- scribus.selectObject(tBackGroud)
- scribus.moveSelectionToBack()
- scribus.deselectAll()
- # Bilder
- for i in range(0, 12):
- if i < 4: # 1. Reihe Bilder
- xt = tBoxXstart + i * tBoxB
- yt = tBoxY
- elif i > 3 and i < 8: # 2. Reihe Bilder
- xt = 10 + (i - 4) * tBoxB
- yt = tBoxY + tBoxH
- elif i > 7: # 3. Reihe Bilder
- xt = 10 + (i - 8) * tBoxB
- yt = tBoxY + 2 * tBoxH
- z = i + 1
- iBox = scribus.createImage(xt, yt, tBoxB, tBoxH)
- tName = str(z).zfill(2) + str(calImageExt)
- scribus.loadImage( calImagePath + tName, iBox)
- scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(1,0,iBox)
- scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(0,1,iBox)
- scribus.sendToLayer("Bilder" , iBox)
- # Jahreszahl
- yBox = scribus.createText(yBoxX, yBoxY, yBoxB, yBoxH)
- scribus.setText(str(year), yBox)
- scribus.setFont(fontDefault, yBox)
- scribus.setFontSize(50, yBox)
- scribus.setTextColor(black, yBox)
- scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_CENTERED, yBox)
- # copyright
- cBox = scribus.createText(cBoxX, cBoxY, cBoxB, cBoxH)
- scribus.setText(copyright, cBox)
- scribus.setFont(fontDefault, cBox)
- scribus.setFontSize(12, cBox)
- scribus.setTextColor(black, cBox)
- scribus.setTextAlignment(scribus.ALIGN_CENTERED, cBox)
- # Dokument speichern (.sla)
- scribus.saveDocAs(calPathName)
- # PDF
- pdf = scribus.PDFfile()
- pdf.file = calPath + "/" + calName + ".pdf"
- pdf.save()
- # Script Auftruf
- ######################################################
- def main():
- """ Application/Dialog loop with Scribus sauce around """
- try:
- scribus.statusMessage('Running script...')
- scribus.progressReset()
- app = baueKalender(year)
- finally:
- if scribus.haveDoc() > 0:
- scribus.redrawAll()
- scribus.statusMessage('Done.')
- scribus.progressReset()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()