import midi
# Instantiate a MIDI Pattern (contains a list of tracks)
pattern = midi.Pattern()
# Instantiate a MIDI Track (contains a list of MIDI events)
track = midi.Track()
# Append the track to the pattern
# Instantiate a MIDI note on event, append it to the track
on = midi.NoteOnEvent(tick=0, velocity=20, pitch=midi.G_3)
# Instantiate a MIDI note off event, append it to the track
off = midi.NoteOffEvent(tick=100, pitch=midi.G_3)
# Add the end of track event, append it to the track
eot = midi.EndOfTrackEvent(tick=1)
# Print out the pattern
print pattern
# Save the pattern to disk
midi.write_midifile("example.mid", pattern)