using namespace boost::gregorian;
date weekstart(2002,Feb,1);
date weekend = weekstart + weeks(1);
date d2 = d1 + days(5);
date today = day_clock::local_day();
if (d2 >= today) {} //date comparison operators
date_period thisWeek(d1,d2);
if (thisWeek.contains(today)) {}//do something
//iterate and print the week
day_iterator itr(weekstart);
while (itr <= weekend) {
std::cout << (*itr) << std::endl;
//input streaming
std::stringstream ss("2004-Jan-1");
ss >> d3;
//date generator functions
date d5 = next_weekday(d4, Sunday); //calculate Sunday following d4
//US labor day is first Monday in Sept
typedef nth_day_of_the_week_in_month nth_dow;
nth_dow labor_day(nth_dow::first,Monday, Sep);
//calculate a specific date for 2004 from functor
date d6 = labor_day.get_date(2004);