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http://fdubuy.free.fr/scribus/cddb_cover.py 原链接失效,这是备份
- """Written 04 august 2004 by Fred Dubuy <effediwhy@gmail.com>
- The CD template is from Yves Ceccone <yves@yeccoe.org>
- This work is released under the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
- This script reads the ID of the CD in the drive
- and queries CDDB to get the album and song titles
- The songs are displayed in a frame text on the back side
- There are no font settings, they are up to you...
- This script only avoid having to type the songs titles
- It is possible to choose to add or not track number and track time
- 08/10/2004 : added multiple CDDB answers support
- 10/16/2004 - Petr Vanek <petr@yarpen.cz>
- Some strange artists use strange characters in names of their artworks.
- You need specify the right encoding for these texts. The system encoding
- is taken as default. If you're using Scribus 1.2.1cvs or later you
- can change it in the GUI dialog.
- Or set e.g.:
- encoding = 'utf8'
- or whatever on line 42
- 10/17/2004 - Fred Dubuy
- Put the encoding selection into the main dialog, and added tooltips, mainly for the encoding selection.
- The tooltip code is from Michael Lange <klappnase at 8ung dot at>, taken from Tkinter wiki (http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/)
- """
- # Make sure you have python-cddb installed
- # (http://cddb-py.sourceforge.net/)
- # Change the dev value below according to your configuration
- from scribus import *
- #following import moved at the end of the script with test
- #import DiscID, CDDB,cdrom
- from Tkinter import *
- import locale
- language, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()
- dev = "/dev/cdrom"
- class ToolTip:
- def __init__(self, master, text='Your text here', delay=1000, **opts):
- self.master = master
- self._opts = {'anchor':'center', 'bd':1, 'bg':'lightyellow', 'delay':delay, 'fg':'black',\
- 'follow_mouse':0, 'font':None, 'justify':'left', 'padx':4, 'pady':2,\
- 'relief':'solid', 'state':'normal', 'text':text, 'textvariable':None,\
- 'width':0, 'wraplength':150}
- self.configure(**opts)
- self._tipwindow = None
- self._id = None
- self._id1 = self.master.bind("<Enter>", self.enter, '+')
- self._id2 = self.master.bind("<Leave>", self.leave, '+')
- self._id3 = self.master.bind("<ButtonPress>", self.leave, '+')
- self._follow_mouse = 0
- if self._opts['follow_mouse']:
- self._id4 = self.master.bind("<Motion>", self.motion, '+')
- self._follow_mouse = 1
- def configure(self, **opts):
- for key in opts:
- if self._opts.has_key(key):
- self._opts[key] = opts[key]
- else:
- KeyError = 'KeyError: Unknown option: "%s"' %key
- raise KeyError
- ##----these methods handle the callbacks on "<Enter>", "<Leave>" and "<Motion>"---------------##
- ##----events on the parent widget; override them if you want to change the widget's behavior--##
- def enter(self, event=None):
- self._schedule()
- def leave(self, event=None):
- self._unschedule()
- self._hide()
- def motion(self, event=None):
- if self._tipwindow and self._follow_mouse:
- x, y = self.coords()
- self._tipwindow.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
- ##------the methods that do the work:-----##
- def _schedule(self):
- self._unschedule()
- if self._opts['state'] == 'disabled':
- return
- self._id = self.master.after(self._opts['delay'], self._show)
- def _unschedule(self):
- id = self._id
- self._id = None
- if id:
- self.master.after_cancel(id)
- def _show(self):
- if self._opts['state'] == 'disabled':
- self._unschedule()
- return
- if not self._tipwindow:
- self._tipwindow = tw = Toplevel(self.master)
- # hide the window until we know the geometry
- tw.withdraw()
- tw.wm_overrideredirect(1)
- self.create_contents()
- tw.update_idletasks()
- x, y = self.coords()
- tw.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
- tw.deiconify()
- def _hide(self):
- tw = self._tipwindow
- self._tipwindow = None
- if tw:
- tw.destroy()
- ##----these methods might be overridden in derived classes:----##
- def coords(self):
- # The tip window must be completely outside the master widget;
- # otherwise when the mouse enters the tip window we get
- # a leave event and it disappears, and then we get an enter
- # event and it reappears, and so on forever :-(
- # or we take care that the mouse pointer is always outside the tipwindow :-)
- tw = self._tipwindow
- twx, twy = tw.winfo_reqwidth(), tw.winfo_reqheight()
- w, h = tw.winfo_screenwidth(), tw.winfo_screenheight()
- # calculate the y coordinate:
- if self._follow_mouse:
- y = tw.winfo_pointery() + 20
- # make sure the tipwindow is never outside the screen:
- if y + twy > h:
- y = y - twy - 30
- else:
- y = self.master.winfo_rooty() + self.master.winfo_height() + 3
- if y + twy > h:
- y = self.master.winfo_rooty() - twy - 3
- # we can use the same x coord in both cases:
- x = tw.winfo_pointerx() - twx / 2
- if x < 0:
- x = 0
- elif x + twx > w:
- x = w - twx
- return x, y
- def create_contents(self):
- opts = self._opts.copy()
- for opt in ('delay', 'follow_mouse', 'state'):
- del opts[opt]
- label = Label(self._tipwindow, **opts)
- label.pack()
- class Warning2(Frame):
- "class to display a message for import problems"
- def __init__(self,parent,message):
- Frame.__init__(self)
- frame = Frame(parent)
- self.parent=parent
- lab2=Label(frame,text=message)
- lab2.pack()
- button=Button(frame,text='OK',command=self.parent.destroy)
- button.pack()
- frame.pack()
- class Warning(Toplevel):
- "generic class to display a message in a new dialog"
- def __init__(self,parent,message):
- Toplevel.__init__(self)
- lab2=Label(self,text=message)
- lab2.pack()
- button=Button(self,text='OK',command=self.quit)
- button.pack()
- self.geometry("+%d+%d" % ( (w-150)/2, (h-50)/2 ) )
- def quit(self):
- app.only_once=0
- self.destroy()
- class Multiple(Toplevel):
- "opens a dialog to choose between multiples CDDB answers"
- def __init__(self,parent,query_info):
- Toplevel.__init__(self)
- self.parent=parent
- self.title=("Multiple choice")
- mlabel=Label(self,text="Multiple entries found, select one :")
- mlabel.pack()
- length=0
- count=0
- for i in query_info:
- count+=1
- if len(i['title'])>length:
- length=len(i['title'])
- self.list = Listbox(self, height=count, width=length)
- for i in query_info:
- self.list.insert(END, i['title'])
- self.list.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.choice2)
- self.list.pack()
- b1=Button(self,text='Select',command=self.choice)
- b1.pack(side=LEFT)
- b2=Button(self,text='Cancel',command=self.cancel_multiple)
- b2.pack(side=RIGHT)
- #wi=self.winfo_width()
- #hg=self.winfo_height()
- self.geometry("+%d+%d" % ( (w-300)/2, (h-150)/2 ) )
- def choice(self):
- #no current selection
- if len(map(int,self.list.curselection()))==0:
- return
- app.sel_index=map(int,self.list.curselection())[0]
- self.destroy()
- def choice2(self,event):
- self.choice()
- def cancel_multiple(self):
- app.only_once=0
- self.destroy()
- class Application(Frame):
- def __init__(self, parent):
- Frame.__init__(self)
- self.parent=parent
- frame = Frame(parent)
- parent.title("CD Cover creation")
- lab_ent=Label(frame,text="Enter your CD device :")
- lab_ent.grid(row=0, columnspan=2)
- tt1 = ToolTip(lab_ent, follow_mouse=1, text="Specify your cdrom device file. The default is /dev/cdrom and can be changed by editing the script")
- self.ent=Entry(frame)
- self.ent.insert(0,dev)
- self.ent.icursor(len(dev))
- self.ent.grid(row=1,columnspan=2)
- lab_enc=Label(frame,text="Characters encoding :")
- lab_enc.grid(row=2, columnspan=2)
- tt2 = ToolTip(lab_enc, follow_mouse=1, text="If you are creating a cover for non-english record/artist, you may specify the right text encoding for the local characters. You can get some errors using wrong encoding.")
- self.enc=Entry(frame)
- self.enc.insert(0,encoding)
- self.enc.icursor(len(encoding))
- self.enc.grid(row=3,columnspan=2)
- self.numbering = IntVar()
- self.ttime = IntVar()
- self.sel_index = -1
- self.only_once = 0
- c1 = Checkbutton(frame, text="Add track number", variable=self.numbering)
- c1.grid(row=4,column=0)
- c1.select()
- t1 = ToolTip(c1, follow_mouse=1, text="If checked the track number will be put in front of the song name")
- c2 = Checkbutton(frame, text="Add track time", variable=self.ttime)
- c2.grid(row=4,column=1)
- t2 = ToolTip(c2, follow_mouse=1, text="If checked the track duration will be appended after the song name")
- b_valid=Button(frame,text='Create Cover',command=self.get_device)
- b_valid.grid(row=5,column=0)
- b_cancel=Button(frame,text='Cancel',command=self.quit)
- b_cancel.grid(row=5,column=1)
- frame.pack()
- def get_device(self):
- #protection against multiple choice-window opening
- if self.only_once==1:
- return
- self.only_once=1
- self.build_cover(self.ent.get(),self.enc.get(),self.numbering.get(),self.ttime.get())
- def quit(self):
- self.parent.destroy()
- def build_cover(self,dev,char_enc,putnumber,puttime):
- #Get info from CD as in python-cddb examples
- cdrom = None
- try:
- if dev:
- cdrom = DiscID.open(dev)
- else:
- cdrom = DiscID.open()
- except:
- w=Warning(self,"Cannot access the device "+dev)
- return
- try:
- disc_id = DiscID.disc_id(cdrom)
- except:
- w=Warning(self,"Cannot read the device" +dev)
- return
- try:
- (query_stat, self.query_info) = CDDB.query(disc_id)
- except:
- w=Warning(self,"Cannot access to CDDB. Check your internet connection")
- return
- if query_stat == 200:
- (read_stat, read_info) = CDDB.read(self.query_info['category'],
- self.query_info['disc_id'])
- if read_stat != 210:
- w=Warning(self,"Disc ID not found in CDDB")
- return
- else:
- album=self.query_info['title']
- elif query_stat == 210 or query_stat == 211:
- m=Multiple(self,self.query_info)
- self.wait_window(m)
- #window close but no choice made
- if self.sel_index == -1:
- return
- (read_stat, read_info) = CDDB.read(self.query_info[self.sel_index]['category'], self.query_info[self.sel_index]['disc_id'])
- album=self.query_info[self.sel_index]['title']
- else:
- w=Warning(self,"Disc ID not found in CDDB")
- return
- #here starts the template building
- SetUnit(1)
- Margins = (0, 0, 0, 0)
- Papier_A4 = (210, 297)
- if NewDoc(Papier_A4, Margins, Landscape, 1, Millimeters, NoFacingPages, FirstPageLeft):
- NewPage(-1)
- GotoPage(1)
- CreateLayer("crop")
- SetActiveLayer("crop")
- t1 = CreateLine(28.5, 38, 28.5, 43)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t1)
- t2 = CreateLine(148.5, 38, 148.5, 43)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t2)
- t3 = CreateLine(268.5, 38, 268.5, 43)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t3)
- t4 = CreateLine(28.5, 172, 28.5, 167)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t4)
- t5 = CreateLine(148.5, 172, 148.5, 167)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t5)
- t6 = CreateLine(268.5, 172, 268.5, 167)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t6)
- t7 = CreateLine(21.5, 45, 26.5, 45)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t7)
- t8 = CreateLine(21.5, 165, 26.5, 165)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t8)
- t9 = CreateLine(270.5, 45, 275.5, 45)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t9)
- t10 = CreateLine(270.5, 165, 275.5, 165)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t10)
- CreateLayer("bleed")
- SetActiveLayer("bleed")
- img1 = CreateImage(24.35, 41.25 , 124.20, 127.95,)
- img2 = CreateImage(148.55, 41.25 , 124.20, 127.95,)
- CreateLayer("normal")
- SetActiveLayer("normal")
- a = CreateText(98.5, 20, 100, 10)
- SetText("CD cover template - Front side", a)
- SetFontSize(11, a)
- SetTextAlignment(1, a)
- b = CreateText(28.5, 45, 120, 120)
- SetFillColor("None", b)
- c = CreateText(148.5, 45, 120, 120)
- SetFillColor("None", c)
- GotoPage(2)
- SetActiveLayer("normal")
- a2 = CreateText(98.5, 20, 100, 10)
- SetText('CD cover template - Back side', a2)
- SetFontSize(11, a2)
- SetTextAlignment(1, a2)
- a2t = CreateText(204, 44, 78, 9)
- SetText("Instructions :", a2t)
- SetFontSize(13, a2t)
- SetTextAlignment(1, a2t)
- a21 = CreateText(204, 54, 78, 87)
- SetText('Modify either the text on the Normal layer, or the pictures on the "bleed" layers, or both. You can change the frame types (image to text frame or text to image,...). The bleeds are wider than the CD size, which avoid any blank margin when cutting the printed document. The external crop marks will allow you to cut the cover and the internal crop marks are here for the folding.\nYou can get the front picture of your CD using your favorite search engine\'s image search feature', a21)
- SetFontSize(11, a21)
- SetTextAlignment(0, a21)
- b2 = CreateText(28.5, 162.10, 117, 6)
- SetText(unicode(album,char_enc), b2)
- SetFontSize(9, b2)
- SetTextAlignment(1, b2)
- RotateObjectAbs(90, b2)
- SetFillColor("None", b2)
- c2 = CreateText(34.5, 45, 137.5, 117)
- offset=0
- InsertText(unicode(album+"\n\n",char_enc),offset,c2)
- offset=offset+len(album)+2
- for i in range(0, disc_id[1]):
- if putnumber == 1:
- song='%d - %s' % (i+1, read_info['TTITLE' + `i`])
- else:
- song='%s' % read_info['TTITLE' + `i`]
- if puttime == 1:
- if i < (disc_id[1]-1):
- ttime=(disc_id[i+3]-disc_id[i+2])/75
- else:
- ttime=disc_id[i+3]-disc_id[i+2]/75
- song+=' - %d:%.2d' % ((ttime/60),(ttime%60))
- InsertText(unicode(song+"\n",char_enc),offset,c2)
- offset=offset+len(song)+1
- SetFillColor("None", c2)
- d2 = CreateText(28.5, 162.10, 117, 6)
- SetText(unicode(album,char_enc), d2)
- SetFontSize(9, d2)
- SetTextAlignment(1, d2)
- RotateObjectAbs(90, d2)
- SetFillColor("None", d2)
- MoveObject(143.5, 0, d2)
- SetActiveLayer("bleed")
- img3 = CreateImage(24.35, 41.25 , 157.50, 126.50,)
- SetActiveLayer("crop")
- t21 = CreateLine(28.5, 38, 28.5, 43)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t21)
- t22 = CreateLine(34.5, 38, 34.5, 43)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t22)
- t23 = CreateLine(172, 38, 172, 43)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t23)
- t24 = CreateLine(178, 38, 178, 43)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t24)
- t25 = CreateLine(28.5, 164.5, 28.5, 169.5)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t25)
- t26 = CreateLine(34.5, 164, 34.5, 169.5)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t26)
- t27 = CreateLine(172, 164, 172, 169.5)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t27)
- t28 = CreateLine(178, 164, 178, 169.5)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t28)
- t29 = CreateLine(22.5, 45, 27.5, 45)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t29)
- t30 = CreateLine(22.5, 162, 27.5, 162)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t30)
- t31 = CreateLine(179.5, 45, 184.5, 45)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t31)
- t32 = CreateLine(179.5, 162, 184.5, 162)
- SetLineWidth(0.1, t32)
- self.quit()
- root=Tk()
- w=root.winfo_screenwidth()
- h=root.winfo_screenheight()
- root.geometry("+%d+%d" % ( (w-300)/2, (h-100)/2 ) )
- try:
- import DiscID, CDDB, cdrom
- except:
- app=Warning2(root,"You need to install python-cddb!\n"+
- "see http://cddb-py.sourceforge.net/\n"
- +"Gentoo : emerge cddb-py\n"
- +"Debian : apt-get install python-cddb\n"
- +"Mandrake : urpmi python-CDDB")
- else:
- app=Application(root)
- root.mainloop()