您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有账号?立即注册
- import os
- import time
- from selenium import webdriver
- from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
- from scrapy import Selector
- import requests
- from my_fake_useragent import UserAgent
- import docx
- from docx.shared import Inches
- import cv2
- from pptx import Presentation
- from pptx.util import Inches
- #dows是的chromedriver
- chromedriver_path = "./chromedriver.exe"
- #用ubuntu的chromedriver
- # chromedriver_path = "./chromedriver"
- doc_dir_path = "./doc"
- ppt_dir_path = "./ppt"
- # url = "https://wenku.baidu.com/view/4410199cb0717fd5370cdc2e.html?fr=search"# doc_txt p
- # url = "https://wenku.baidu.com/view/4d18916f7c21af45b307e87101f69e314332fa36.html" # doc_txt span
- # url = "https://wenku.baidu.com/view/dea519c7e53a580216fcfefa.html?fr=search" # doc_txt span br
- # url = 'https://wk.baidu.com/view/062edabeb6360b4c2e3f5727a5e9856a5712262d?pcf=2&bfetype=new' # doc_img
- # url = "https://wenku.baidu.com/view/2af6de34a7e9856a561252d380eb6294dd88228d"# vip限定doc
- # url = "https://wenku.baidu.com/view/3de365cc6aec0975f46527d3240c844769eaa0aa.html?fr=search" #ppt
- # url = "https://wenku.baidu.com/view/18a8bc08094e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52acec79c55"#pdf
- # url = "https://wenku.baidu.com/view/bbe27bf21b5f312b3169a45177232f60dccce772"
- # url = "https://wenku.baidu.com/view/5cb11d096e1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c660374c24.html?fr=search"
- # url = "https://wenku.baidu.com/view/71f9818fef06eff9aef8941ea76e58fafab045a6.html"
- # url = "https://wenku.baidu.com/view/ffc6b32a68eae009581b6bd97f1922791788be69.html"
- url = "https://wenku.baidu.com/view/d4d2e1e3122de2bd960590c69ec3d5bbfd0adaa6.html"
- class DownloadImg():
- def __init__(self):
- self.ua = UserAgent()
- def download_one_img(self, img_url, saved_path):
- # 下载图片
- header = {
- "User-Agent": "{}".format(self.ua.random().strip()),
- 'Connection': 'close'}
- r = requests.get(img_url, headers=header, stream=True)
- print("请求图片状态码 {}".format(r.status_code)) # 返回状态码
- if r.status_code == 200: # 写入图片
- with open(saved_path, mode="wb") as f:
- f.write(r.content)
- print("download {} success!".format(saved_path))
- del r
- return saved_path
- class StartChrome():
- def __init__(self):
- mobile_emulation = {"deviceName": "Galaxy S5"}
- capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
- capabilities['loggingPrefs'] = {'browser': 'ALL'}
- options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
- options.add_experimental_option("mobileEmulation", mobile_emulation)
- self.brower = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chromedriver_path, desired_capabilities=capabilities,
- chrome_options=options)
- # 启动浏览器,打开需要下载的网页
- self.brower.get(url)
- self.download_img = DownloadImg()
- def click_ele(self, click_xpath):
- # 单击指定控件
- click_ele = self.brower.find_elements_by_xpath(click_xpath)
- if click_ele:
- click_ele[0].location_once_scrolled_into_view # 滚动到控件位置
- self.brower.execute_script('arguments[0].click()', click_ele[0]) # 单击控件,即使控件被遮挡,同样可以单击
- def judge_doc(self, contents):
- # 判断文档类别
- p_list = ''.join(contents.xpath("./text()").extract())
- span_list = ''.join(contents.xpath("./span/text()").extract())
- # # if span_list
- # if len(span_list)>len(p_list):
- # xpath_content_one = "./br/text()|./span/text()|./text()"
- # elif len(span_list)<len(p_list):
- # # xpath_content_one = "./br/text()|./text()"
- # xpath_content_one = "./br/text()|./span/text()|./text()"
- if len(span_list)!=len(p_list):
- xpath_content_one = "./br/text()|./span/text()|./text()"
- else:
- xpath_content_one = "./span/img/@src"
- return xpath_content_one
- def create_ppt_doc(self, ppt_dir_path, doc_dir_path):
- # 点击关闭开通会员按钮
- xpath_close_button = "//div[@class='na-dialog-wrap show']/div/div/div[@class='btn-close']"
- self.click_ele(xpath_close_button)
- # 点击继续阅读
- xpath_continue_read_button = "//div[@class='foldpagewg-icon']"
- self.click_ele(xpath_continue_read_button)
- # 点击取消打开百度app按钮
- xpath_next_content_button = "//div[@class='btn-wrap']/div[@class='btn-cancel']"
- self.click_ele(xpath_next_content_button)
- # 循环点击加载更多按钮,直到显示全文
- click_count = 0
- while True:
- # 如果到了最后一页就跳出循环
- if self.brower.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='pagerwg-loadSucc hide']") or self.brower.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='pagerwg-button' and @style='display: none;']"):
- break
- # 点击加载更多
- xpath_loading_more_button = "//span[@class='pagerwg-arrow-lower']"
- self.click_ele(xpath_loading_more_button)
- click_count += 1
- print("第{}次点击加载更多!".format(click_count))
- # 等待一秒,等浏览器加载
- time.sleep(1.5)
- # 获取html内容
- sel = Selector(text=self.brower.page_source)
- #判断文档类型
- xpath_content = "//div[@class='content singlePage wk-container']/div/p/img/@data-loading-src|//div[@class='content singlePage wk-container']/div/p/img/@data-src"
- contents = sel.xpath(xpath_content).extract()
- if contents:#如果是ppt
- self.create_ppt(ppt_dir_path, sel)
- else:#如果是doc
- self.create_doc(doc_dir_path, sel)
- # a = 3333
- # return sel
- def create_ppt(self, ppt_dir_path, sel):
- # 如果文件夹不存在就创建一个
- if not os.path.exists(ppt_dir_path):
- os.makedirs(ppt_dir_path)
- prs = Presentation() # 实例化ppt
- # # 获取完整html
- # sel = self.get_html_data()
- # 获取标题
- xpath_title = "//div[@class='doc-title']/text()"
- title = "".join(sel.xpath(xpath_title).extract()).strip()
- # 获取内容
- xpath_content_p = "//div[@class='content singlePage wk-container']/div/p/img"
- xpath_content_p_list = sel.xpath(xpath_content_p)
- xpath_content_p_url_list=[]
- for imgs in xpath_content_p_list:
- xpath_content = "./@data-loading-src|./@data-src|./@src"
- contents_list = imgs.xpath(xpath_content).extract()
- xpath_content_p_url_list.append(contents_list)
- img_path_list = [] # 保存下载的图片路径,方便后续图片插入ppt和删除图片
- # 下载图片到指定目录
- for index, content_img_p in enumerate(xpath_content_p_url_list):
- p_img_path_list=[]
- for index_1,img_one in enumerate(content_img_p):
- one_img_saved_path = os.path.join(ppt_dir_path, "{}_{}.jpg".format(index,index_1))
- self.download_img.download_one_img(img_one, one_img_saved_path)
- p_img_path_list.append(one_img_saved_path)
- p_img_max_shape = 0
- for index,p_img_path in enumerate(p_img_path_list):
- img_shape = cv2.imread(p_img_path).shape
- if p_img_max_shape<img_shape[0]:
- p_img_max_shape = img_shape[0]
- index_max_img = index
- img_path_list.append(p_img_path_list[index_max_img])
- print(img_path_list)
- # 获取下载的图片中最大的图片的尺寸
- img_shape_max=[0,0]
- for img_path_one in img_path_list:
- img_path_one_shape = cv2.imread(img_path_one).shape
- if img_path_one_shape[0]>img_shape_max[0]:
- img_shape_max = img_path_one_shape
- # 把图片统一缩放最大的尺寸
- for img_path_one in img_path_list:
- cv2.imwrite(img_path_one,cv2.resize(cv2.imread(img_path_one),(img_shape_max[1],img_shape_max[0])))
- # img_shape_path = img_path_list[0]
- # 获得图片的尺寸
- # img_shape = cv2.imread(img_shape_path).shape
- # 把像素转换为ppt中的长度单位emu,默认dpi是720
- # 1厘米=28.346像素=360000
- # 1像素 = 12700emu
- prs.slide_width = img_shape_max[1] * 12700 # 换算单位
- prs.slide_height = img_shape_max[0] * 12700
- for img_path_one in img_path_list:
- left = Inches(0)
- right = Inches(0)
- # width = Inches(1)
- slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[SLD_LAYOUT_TITLE_AND_CONTENT]
- slide = prs.slides.add_slide(slide_layout)
- pic = slide.shapes.add_picture(img_path_one, left, right, )
- print("insert {} into pptx success!".format(img_path_one))
- # os.remove(img_path_one)
- for root,dirs,files in os.walk(ppt_dir_path):
- for file in files:
- if file.endswith(".jpg"):
- img_path = os.path.join(root,file)
- os.remove(img_path)
- prs.save(os.path.join(ppt_dir_path, title + ".pptx"))
- print("download {} success!".format(os.path.join(ppt_dir_path, title + ".pptx")))
- def create_doc(self, doc_dir_path, sel):
- # 如果文件夹不存在就创建一个
- if not os.path.exists(doc_dir_path):
- os.makedirs(doc_dir_path)
- # # 获取完整html
- # sel = self.get_html_data()
- # 获取标题
- xpath_title = "//div[@class='doc-title']/text()"
- title = "".join(sel.xpath(xpath_title).extract()).strip()
- document = docx.Document() # 创建word文档
- document.add_heading(title, 0) # 添加标题
- # 获取文章内容
- xpath_content = "//div[contains(@data-id,'div_class_')]//p"
- # xpath_content = "//div[contains(@data-id,'div_class_')]/p"
- contents = sel.xpath(xpath_content)
- # 判断内容类别
- xpath_content_one = self.judge_doc(contents)
- if xpath_content_one.endswith("text()"): # 如果是文字就直接爬
- for content_one in contents:
- one_p_list = content_one.xpath(xpath_content_one).extract()
- p_txt = ""
- for p in one_p_list:
- if p==" ":
- p_txt += ('\n'+p)
- else:
- p_txt += p
- # content_txt_one = '*'.join(content_one.xpath(xpath_content_one).extract())
- pp = document.add_paragraph(p_txt)
- document.save(os.path.join(doc_dir_path, '{}.docx'.format(title)))
- print("download {} success!".format(title))
- elif xpath_content_one.endswith("@src"): # 如果是图片就下载图片
- for index, content_one in enumerate(contents.xpath(xpath_content_one).extract()):
- # 获取图片下载路径
- content_img_one_url = 'https:' + content_one
- # 保存图片
- saved_image_path = self.download_img.download_one_img(content_img_one_url, os.path.join(doc_dir_path,
- "{}.jpg".format(
- index)))
- document.add_picture(saved_image_path, width=Inches(6)) # 在文档中加入图片
- os.remove(saved_image_path) # 删除下载的图片
- document.save(os.path.join(doc_dir_path, '{}.docx'.format(title))) # 保存文档到指定位置
- print("download {} success!".format(title))
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- start_chrome = StartChrome()
- # start_chrome.create_doc_txt(doc_dir_path)
- start_chrome.create_ppt_doc(ppt_dir_path, doc_dir_path)